We will take your employees on a meaningful and fun journey that they will never forget!
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    Learning is an experience

    The Detectives

    This is a competitive detective game in which different teams are requested to solve a murder mystery. At the same time they are also required to collaborate with each other in order to open a treasure chest.

    The game continues for several hours in which the teams move around the activity area and surroundings in their vehicles or convene for an inter-team activity. They will accumulate hints and points along the way which will enable them to solve the mystery and win the prize!

    This is a fascinating game aimed at team building, development of managerial cognitive abilities and challenge communication skills under conditions of conflicts of interest.

    Experience something unique

    A challenging learning experience for companies and organizations that will facilitate positive change


    We will take your employees on a meaningful and fun journey that they will never forget!
    Send us your details now and let's connect

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